Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série 絕對佔領 (2023)


Première diffusion : 15 septembre 2023

Série créée par : Hong-Ru Chen

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne Vidol

The staff in Xia’s company are known for their good looks and bodies, but there is a new employee, Yao Shun Yu, who is an exception of the rule. Shun Yu is like a rabbit in the jungle who has signed his life away. His boss, Xia Shang Zhou, is always teasing kindhearted Yao. And Shun Yu believes that if he works hard, he can have a better life. Even if his job is stressful and his boss is cranky, he can bear with it. But having a blind date with the boss and sleeping with him, that’s truly a tough job!

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