Captain Watch

Captain Watch


Première diffusion inconnue

série Третий в постели

Третий в постели

Statut : En production

Chaîne KION (MTS Live)

Lyuba and Roma are tired of their long marriage, but their pregnant daughter Nastya and son-in-law Stepan decide to help their relatives keep the family together and give a tour to a five-star hotel in Turkey. Parents agree only in order not to upset their daughter, but they do not think about any restoration of relations. On the contrary, Lyuba quarrels with Roma on the plane, demands a divorce, and at the very first dinner starts flirting with the handsome Turk Emin, drinks too much, and in the morning finds a corpse in her bed ... This is how this unusual story begins, in which there is a place for dangerous and fun adventures, blackmail, exploits for the sake of loved ones and a new breath in relationships.

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280 caractères restants

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Casting de la série Третий в постели

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Saisons de la série Третий в постели

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