Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série Смех и грех (2011)

Смех и грех

Première diffusion : 01 août 2011

Statut : En production

The story of Lesha, Vasya, Lena, Natasha and Vera — five graduates of a rural school who have been friends since childhood. Lyosha is in love with Natasha, but she dreams of leaving the village and becoming an actress. Vasya is in love with Lena, but she is not up to love, she has a difficult relationship with her parents and admission to the institute. Vera is unrequited in love with Lyosha and is going to fight for her love. In search of a better life, Lyosha, Natasha and Lena leave the village, but it is not easy to realize their dreams.

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