Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer


Première diffusion : 08 octobre 2023

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne NHK G

In Mametsubu-cho, a little town somewhere in Japan's ancient capital of Kamakura, the cheerful Ochibi lives a free and easy life. Together with his friends — the dog Nazeni, the mischievous cat Jack, and the ever-hungry pooch Pankui — he welcomes the new discoveries and acquaintances that come with the changing seasons. The spring brings flowers and greenery; the summer, chances to swim in the cool sea. With autumn come the fiery red maples, and winter brings hot and hearty meals. These events and shifts of season are drawn with a soft and tender touch, bringing out the warmth in the details of everyday life.

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Images de la série オチビサン

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