Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

Bettendorf Talks

Première diffusion : 08 mars 2024

Série créée par : David Pasquesi T.J. Jagodowski Jack C. Newell

Statut : En production

Part talk show and part workplace comedy, "Bettendorf Talks” is set in the titular Quad City, hosted by TJ and Dave, a comedy duo of former middling renown. They are trying to use this show as a stepping stone to regain some of their former perceived glory. It’s an unrealistic expectation in a town with no stars, a show with no budget, an inexperienced writing staff, Dave’s ego and TJ’s naiveté. The band rocks, the local guests are quirky and fun, the director is an absolute boss, the producer is motivated, the announcer might be a murderer, but despite all that going for it, it’s shocking how little can be accomplished when everyone is working as hard as they can in separate directions.

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