Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série Akasya Durağı (2008)

Akasya Durağı

Première diffusion : 14 juillet 2008

Série créée par : Türker İnanoğlu

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne Kanal D

Akasya Duragi is a Turkish comedy television series on Kanal D, which initially broadcast in 2008 The Story: Nuri is a very old driver and when he become retired he start his own taxi company with money that earned for all of his life. There are a few sympathetic driver and pure tea maker-office boy at the taxi company. And all of them life is very interesting and very funny. They have great time at the taxi company. Too many events do and find our drivers and their lives'. The story goes so... By the way, everyone says to Nuri 'Nuri Dad' because he is a very good man.

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