Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série Spirited (2010)


Première diffusion : 25 août 2010

Série créée par : Jacquelin Perske Claudia Karvan

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne W.

Spirited is a romantic look at life and love after death with a rock 'n' roll twist. Uptight dentist Suzy Darling leaves her egotistical husband Steve and moves into a penthouse to start a new life with her children. Seemingly a well orchestrated plan, she quickly discovers that she has to share her penthouse with Henry, who is no ordinary man. Henry is apparently a ghost. Henry awakens form 20 years of deathly slumber when Suzy and her kids move into the apartment. He's a British Rock Star and struggles to understand what is happening to him... or even who he is.

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