Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série マッハGoGoGo (1997)


Première diffusion : 09 janvier 1997

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne TV Tokyo

Speed Racer X, known in Japan as Mach GoGoGo (???GoGoGo, Mahha GoGoGo) and sometimes referred to as New Mach GoGoGo (?·???GoGoGo, Shin Mahha GoGoGo), is a 1997 remake of the original 1967 series Speed Racer by Tatsunoko Production, the original producers. The show originally aired in Japan in 1997 on TV Tokyo and lasted only 34 episodes of a planned 52. Following the footsteps of his brother, who was apparently killed in a race accident, Go Hibiki races the competition in the Mach 5—a special race car built by his father.

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