Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série 他來自江湖 (1989)


Première diffusion : 13 novembre 1989

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne TVB Jade

After the death of his fiancee (Pauline Yeung), triad legend Ming Tin (Alex Man) washes his hands of the underworld, retreating to a quiet life running a small mahjong parlor. He originally disavowed himself of romance as well, but two very different women (Tanny Tien and Teresa Mo) wander into his life. Ming Tin lives with his mother (Lee Heung Kam), uncle (Ng Man Tat), and cousin Gam Sui (Stephen Chow). Ming Tin and Gam Sui are as close as brothers, but Gam Sui's father has a grudge against Ming Tin, leading to many barbs and bickers in this odd family. When Gam Sui and his father unwittingly stumble onto the wrong sides of the track, it's up to Ming Tin to pull them back with his old connections.

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