Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

série Mördare utan ansikte (1995)

Mördare utan ansikte

Première diffusion : 03 septembre 1995

Statut : Production achevée

Chaînes Viasat Film SVT

It is winter on the plains of Skåne coast. Farmer woken gets up and goes over to the neighboring farm. The sight that meets him is terrible. His neighbor John Lövgren lying on the floor with broken face. His wife Mary is sitting on a chair with a noose around his neck and her nightgown nersölat of blood. Before she dies in the hospital, she has time to say a word as soon leak out into the media, "Foreign" Inspector Kurt Wallander in Ystad police leading the investigation will soon receive anonymous threats by telephone. When the city's refugee camp on fire and a Somali refugee murdered, he understands that those who threatened him serious. And realize that it is now a race against time. And, against a ruthless opponent. A killer with no face ...

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