Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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série Jonny Quest (1964)

Jonny Quest

Première diffusion : 18 septembre 1964

Série créée par : Joseph Barbera William Hanna Doug Wildey

Statut : Production achevée

Chaîne ABC

Jonny Quest – often casually referred to as The Adventures of Jonny Quest – is an American animated science fiction adventure television series about a boy who accompanies his scientist father on extraordinary adventures. It was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions for Screen Gems, and created and designed by comic book artist Doug Wildey. Inspired by radio serials and comics in the action-adventure genre, it featured more realistic art, characters, and stories than Hanna-Barbera's previous cartoon programs. It was the first of several Hanna-Barbera action-based adventure shows – which would later include Space Ghost, The Herculoids, and Birdman and the Galaxy Trio – and ran on ABC in prime time on early Friday nights for one season in 1964–1965.

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