Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Rosamunde Pilcher: Wenn ich dich wiederfinde (2023)


Captain Watch

Rosamunde Pilcher: Wenn ich dich wiederfinde

Date de sortie : 02 avril 2023

Durée : 1h29

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Boat builder Helen Brody and insurance agent Liam Shaw couldn't be more different - at least at first glance. Nevertheless, fate brings them together. When Helen's husband Jonah is left at sea after a storm, Liam is supposed to pay out her life insurance a year later. But first Jonah has to be officially declared dead. However, there are growing doubts as to whether he is really dead. In order to find out the truth about Jonah's disappearance, Helen and Liam have to team up and follow Jonah's trail. In doing so, they not only get closer to the truth. They discover more and more things in common and fall in love. But just at the moment when Helen could finally let go of Jonah, he turns up again. Helen is faced with a dilemma that takes her to her emotional limits.

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