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film Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Trapped on Toyworld (1995)


Captain Watch

Josh Kirby... Time Warrior: Trapped on Toyworld

Date de sortie : 21 novembre 1995

Durée : 1h28

Réalisateur :

Musique :

For Josh Kirby, time is one big banana peel. Just as he's whooshing safely into hypertime, he takes a cosmic header and ends u in a bizarre place called Toyworld. The odds against Josh being relocated by his far-off crew: exactly 5,487,603 to 1. The odds that pursuing mad metalhead Dr. Zoetrope will find him are... Sorry, Josh, it's a slam dunk. But Josh has allies. The lifelike toy creations of fuddy-duddy tinkerer rally to his cause.

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