Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Ernst Thälmann - Führer seiner Klasse (1955)


Captain Watch

Ernst Thälmann - Führer seiner Klasse

Date de sortie : 06 octobre 1955

Durée : 2h20

Réalisateur :

Musique :

This film is the second of a two-part historical and biographical portrait of the communist politician and anti-fascist Ernst Thälmann. Autumn, 1918: Somewhere on Germany’s western front, Ernst Thälmann, age twenty-four, is calling on his fellow soldiers to put down their guns and join him in the communist struggle at home. When Hamburg’s Police Commissioner blocks a much-needed food shipment to the workers of Petrograd, Ernst battles to see it allowed through. Until his murder on August 18, 1944, Ernst remained true to his political convictions in the face of many setbacks.

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