Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film El aullido del diablo (1988)


Captain Watch

El aullido del diablo

Date de sortie : 01 janvier 1988

Durée : 1h37

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Hector Doriani (Paul Naschy) is a stage and screen actor who feels himself living in the shadow of his dead twin brother, Alex Doriani, once a famous star of horror movies. Alex’s young son, Adrian, now lives with Hector in an isolated mansion in the countryside. To keep alive the memory of his father, the boy imagines himself visited by the spirit of the dead man, incarnated in a series of classic horror characters from the past. Eric, Alex’s former butler, now also works for Hector. His main role is to locate and bring to the mansion a series of women who are paid large sums of money by Hector to take part in various sadistic sex games. To complicate matters even further, the games always seem to end with the women getting slaughtered in various gruesome ways by a black gloved, masked killer. Also on hand is horror diva Caroline Munro, as Hector’s housekeeper and cook, who is being pursued by a local priest with whom she once had a much-regretted affair.

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Casting du film El aullido del diablo

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