Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Lost Canyon (1942)


Captain Watch

Lost Canyon

Date de sortie : 18 décembre 1942

Durée : 1h01

Réalisateur :

Burton is after Clark's ranch. He gets the banker to refuse to renew Clark's note and then sends his men to rustle his cattle. Hoppy is Clark's new foreman and is on to Burton's scheme. But just as he learns of the rustling and is about to go after the gang, the Sheriff arrives and arrests him for hiding Johnny who has been accused of robbery.

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Casting du film Lost Canyon

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Films de la saga Hopalong Cassidy Collection

  1. Hop-a-long Cassidy (1935)

  2. The Eagle's Brood (1935)

  3. Bar 20 Rides Again (1935)

  4. Heart of the West (1936)

  5. Call of the Prairie (1936)

  6. Three on the Trail (1936)

  7. Hopalong Cassidy Returns (1936)

  8. Trail Dust (1936)

  9. Borderland (1937)

  10. Hills of Old Wyoming (1937)

  11. North of the Rio Grande (1937)

  12. Rustlers' Valley (1937)

  13. Hopalong Rides Again (1937)

  14. Texas Trail (1937)

  15. Partners of the Plains (1938)

  16. Cassidy of Bar 20 (1938)

  17. Heart of Arizona (1938)

  18. Bar 20 Justice (1938)

  19. Pride of the West (1938)

  20. In Old Mexico (1938)

  21. The Frontiersmen (1938)

  22. Sunset Trail (1939)

  23. Silver on the Sage (1939)

  24. Renegade Trail (1939)

  25. Range War (1939)

  26. Law of the Pampas (1939)

  27. Santa Fe Marshal (1940)

  28. The Showdown (1940)

  29. Hidden Gold (1940)

  30. Stagecoach War (1940)

  31. Three Men from Texas (1940)

  32. Doomed Caravan (1941)

  33. In Old Colorado (1941)

  34. Border Vigilantes (1941)

  35. Pirates on Horseback (1941)

  36. Wide Open Town (1941)

  37. Riders of the Timberline (1941)

  38. Stick to Your Guns (1941)

  39. Twilight on the Trail (1941)

  40. Outlaws of the Desert (1941)

  41. Secret of the Wastelands (1941)

  42. Undercover Man (1942)

  43. Lost Canyon (1942)

  44. Hoppy Serves a Writ (1943)

  45. Border Patrol (1943)

  46. Leather Burners (1943)

  47. Colt Comrades (1943)

  48. Bar 20 (1943)

  49. False Colors (1943)

  50. Riders of the Deadline (1943)

  51. Texas Masquerade (1944)

  52. Lumberjack (1944)

  53. Mystery Man (1944)

  54. Forty Thieves (1944)

  55. Fool's Gold (1946)

  56. The Devil's Playground (1946)

  57. Unexpected Guest (1947)

  58. Dangerous Venture (1947)

  59. The Marauders (1947)

  60. Hoppy's Holiday (1947)

  61. Silent Conflict (1948)

  62. The Dead Don't Dream (1948)

  63. Sinister Journey (1948)

  64. Borrowed Trouble (1948)

  65. False Paradise (1948)

  66. Strange Gamble (1948)

Images du film Lost Canyon

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