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film Leonardo: From the National Gallery, London (2012)


Captain Watch

Leonardo: From the National Gallery, London

Date de sortie : 12 février 2012

Durée : 1h21

Réalisateur :

A remarkable event at London’s National Gallery assembled the largest ever collection of Leonardo’s surviving paintings for a unique exhibition "Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan." Given exclusive access to the opening night of the exhibition the film captures the excitement of the occasion and provides a fascinating exploration of Leonardo’s great works. Art historian and broadcaster Tim Marlow offers his insight into the great masterpieces and invites the opinions of the curators, restorers and other specially invited guests. Interwoven is an insightful biography filmed at the locations of Leonardo’s life as well as exclusive behind-the-scenes access to the preparations of what was undoubtedly a once-only exhibition which also included the first newly attributed Leonardo in over a century.

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Casting du film Leonardo: From the National Gallery, London


Films de la saga Exposition sur Grand Ecran

  1. Leonardo: From the National Gallery, London (2012)

  2. Matisse: From MoMA and Tate Modern (2014)

  3. Girl with a Pearl Earring: And Other Treasures from the Mauritshuis (2015)

  4. Vincent Van Gogh: A New Way of Seeing (2015)

  5. The Impressionists: And the Man Who Made Them (2015)

  6. Goya: Visions of Flesh and Blood (2016)

  7. Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse (2016)

  8. Renoir: Reviled and Revered (2016)

  9. The Curious World of Hieronymus Bosch (2016)

  10. I, Claude Monet (2017)

  11. The Artist’s Garden: American Impressionism (2017)

  12. Michelangelo: Love and Death (2017)

  13. Canaletto & the Art of Venice (2017)

  14. David Hockney at the Royal Academy of Arts (2017)

  15. film

    Cézanne - Portraits d’une vie (2018)

  16. Degas: Passion for Perfection (2018)

  17. Rembrandt: From the National Gallery, London and Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam (2018)

  18. film

    Le jeune Picasso (2019)

  19. film

    Van Gogh et le Japon (2019)

  20. Leonardo: The Works (2019)

  21. Lucian Freud: A Self Portrait (2019)

  22. Pâques dans l'histoire de l'art (2020)

  23. Exhibition On Screen: Frida Kahlo (2020)

  24. Les Tournesols (2021)

  25. Raphaël Révélé (2021)

  26. Le Collectionneur Danois : De Delacroix à Gauguin (2021)

  27. Pissarro : père de l'impressionnisme (2022)

  28. Edward Hopper : Une histoire américaine (2022)

  29. film

    Mary Cassatt : Peindre la femme moderne (2023)

  30. Vermeer : la plus grande exposition (2023)

  31. Tokyo Stories (2023)

Images du film Leonardo: From the National Gallery, London

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