Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film İmkansız Olasılık (2016)


Captain Watch

İmkansız Olasılık

Date de sortie : 03 mai 2016

Durée : 1h35

Réalisateur :

Tarik is a mathematics teacher who is assigned from Anatolia to Istanbul. Director and other teachers explain to him that the school is a difficult one. First of all, the neighborhood is full of unwanted events. Men wait on the corners trying to sell drugs to kids. On top of all, his students hate math class. Tarik's worldview is not only about teaching mathematics but also about turning math into a system that the students can and use in their daily news. As a teacher, he has various ways to get his students interested in the subject. He tries to win them over by reflecting on the mathematical problems and symbols in their daily lives. However, students cannot concentrate on their classes due to the conditions of the school. Tarik finds himself in a huge struggle from the first day on.

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