Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Скажи ей (2020)


Captain Watch

Скажи ей

Date de sortie : 09 avril 2021

Durée : 1h38

Réalisateur :

Musique :

What is to be a child to whom parents ask the same question every day: whom does he love more? Mom or dad? What should mom do if she madly loves her son, but circumstances force him to take the child away from his father? What should be done to dad if his son is taken to America forever, and he cannot imagine his life without him? This is a story of choice. When deciding for a child, a parent often does as he is comfortable with. The child agrees, afraid to hurt the parent, but time will pass, he will mature and at some point he will decide for himself. Only the parent from this will be much more painful.

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