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film Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle II (2020)


Captain Watch

Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle II

Date de sortie : 05 mai 2020

Durée : 2h22

Réalisateur :

THE RED SEA MIRACLE 2 continues to raise big questions about biblical miracles. Introducing the second film in a new two-part series by Patterns of Evidence’s award-winning filmmaker, Timothy Mahoney. How could thousands of feet of water be parted at the Red Sea? Or was the sea merely parted by the act of wind in nature, through a shallow Egyptian lake? Mahoney investigates these locations to see if any have a pattern of evidence matching the Bible. People of faith will be inspired and skeptics will have much to think about as Mahoney reveals two decades of documentary research including if divers found the remains of Pharaoh's army on the seafloor. This cinematic journey leads him to inquire… “Do miracles still happen today?”

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