Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film The Trigger Trio (1937)


Captain Watch

The Trigger Trio

Date de sortie : 18 octobre 1937

Durée : 0h55

Réalisateur :

In this western, the Three Mesquiteers must find a killer and his band after they murder an official from the State Agricultural Service who had come to investigate an outbreak of hoof and mouth disease. The killer is fearful that the official would quarantine his entire herd. Unfortunately for the foolish rancher, if the herd is not isolated, all of his cows and those of his neighbors will die anyway. The heroes are assisted by Buck the clever Great Dane.

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Films de la saga The Three Mesquiteers Collection

  1. The Three Mesquiteers (1936)

  2. Ghost-Town Gold (1936)

  3. Roarin' Lead (1936)

  4. The Riders of the Whistling Skull (1937)

  5. Hit the Saddle (1937)

  6. Gunsmoke Ranch (1937)

  7. Come on, Cowboys (1937)

  8. Range Defenders (1937)

  9. Heart of the Rockies (1937)

  10. The Trigger Trio (1937)

  11. Wild Horse Rodeo (1937)

  12. The Purple Vigilantes (1938)

  13. Call The Mesquiteers (1938)

  14. Outlaws of Sonora (1938)

  15. Riders of the Black Hills (1938)

  16. Heroes of the Hills (1938)

  17. Pals of the Saddle (1938)

  18. Overland Stage Raiders (1938)

  19. Santa Fe Stampede (1938)

  20. La Ruse Inutile (1938)

  21. The Night Riders (1939)

  22. Three Texas Steers (1939)

  23. Wyoming Outlaw (1939)

  24. New Frontier (1939)

  25. The Kansas Terrors (1939)

  26. Cowboys from Texas (1939)

  27. Pionniers de l'Ouest (1940)

  28. Covered Wagon Days (1940)

  29. Rocky Mountain Rangers (1940)

  30. Oklahoma Renegades (1940)

  31. Under Texas Skies (1940)

  32. The Trail Blazers (1940)

  33. Heroes of the Saddle (1940)

  34. Lone Star Raiders (1940)

  35. Prairie Pioneers (1941)

  36. Pals of the Pecos (1941)

  37. Saddlemates (1941)

  38. Gangs of Sonora (1941)

  39. Outlaws of Cherokee Trail (1941)

  40. Gauchos of El Dorado (1941)

  41. West of Cimarron (1941)

  42. Code of the Outlaw (1942)

  43. Raiders of the Range (1942)

  44. Westward Ho (1942)

  45. The Phantom Plainsmen (1942)

  46. Shadows on the Sage (1942)

  47. Valley of Hunted Men (1942)

  48. Thundering Trails (1943)

  49. The Blocked Trail (1943)

  50. Santa Fe Scouts (1943)

  51. Riders of the Rio Grande (1943)

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