Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Fuks 2 (2024)


Captain Watch

Fuks 2

Date de sortie : 12 janvier 2024

Durée : 1h38

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Maciek is a bright and savvy 20-year-old, although he has to borrow money and a car for a date from his dad. His father, on his eighteenth birthday, set off an explosive device, stole a car, contributed to the wrecking of two police cars and deceived for big money a shady businessman. At the same time, he won the heart of a beautiful woman. So he set the bar high, and it will soon become clear whether his son has inherited his bravado and propensity for dangerous intrigue. All this will happen through a date that will connect him with two unpredictable women and draw him into a game at stake - big money and even bigger love.

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Films de la saga Kolekcja Fuks

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