Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Finders Keepers (2005)


Captain Watch

Finders Keepers

Date de sortie : 01 janvier 2005

Durée : 1h30

Réalisateur :

t's a cold, wet night. But the mob wants their money. The door burst open. A junkie is dead. But the mobsters get their cash-until they lose it again at the bus station where Dino Willingham has picked up his Auntie. Instead of grabbing her bag, he grabs theirs by mistake. The gangsters are furious at their loss and when Dino, his Mother and his Auntie find that they have all that money they are set to shop, and shop large. After spending almost fifty thousand dollars, the mobsters finally track them down-and they are pissed. They kidnap Dino's Mom and Auntie at gun point. Dino is forced to negotiate the return of the money and make certain that his Mom and Auntie are safely returned. They tell him to bring the money with him and his family will be freed. But Dino, worried that they will kill them all when they find much of the money is missing, has another plan.

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